Tuesday 10 January 2012

#6 - To Have Seen All The Films Nominated For Best Picture At The Oscars


The Artist - Underwhelmed. It was entertaining enough but I felt its reputation exceeded it.
The Descendants - Pretty good, nice wee story and as always, you get a great performance from Clooney
Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close - It was alright, the boy is a bit annoying and so is Julia Roberts.
The Help - I enjoyed this one, very good performances all-round and an entertaining story
Hugo - big meh, story was a bit shit tbh, performances were alright.
Midnight in Paris - good script, not great performances but not terrible either.
Moneyball - Great. Pitt is fantastic and has a great support cast with Hill and Seymour-Hoffman.
The Tree of Life - Weird and trippy but visually spectacular.
War Horse - awful, I couldn't really care for it when the main character is a horse.

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